Eenadu epaper vizianagaram district edition today
Eenadu epaper vizianagaram district edition today

eenadu epaper vizianagaram district edition today

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  • eenadu epaper vizianagaram district edition today

    In 1794, the Chiefs and Councils were abolished and Vizagapatam was arranged into three divisions each under a collector. Another important event in the history of the district is the war between the French and fought at in 1758, in which the French were defeated and the Northern Circars were made over to the British under a firmana from the Mughal emperor in 1765 which were placed under the then existing Chief and Council at Vizagapatam. The war was fought between the MahaRaja of aided by the French General Bussy and the Rajah of on 24 January 1757. An important event in the history of the district which occurred by about this time is the war between the Rajas of Vizianagaram and Bobbili, popularly known as Bobbili Yuddam. In the war of succession after Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah died, who came to power with the backing of the General, rewarded the French by ceding four Circars including the Chicacole Circar in 1753.

    eenadu epaper vizianagaram district edition today

    When the Viceroy of the Mughals in Deccan, Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah declared independence in 1724 AD, the area came under the rule of the Asaf Jahis.

    Eenadu epaper vizianagaram district edition today